Event Date: 
Tue, 2016/11/15 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm

BOF details


The SC16 OpenSHMEM BOF will be held on Tuesday November 15 at the

Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel
150 W 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
2pm - 4pm

in the "Wasatch" room.

Graciously hosted by ARM

SuperComputing 2016

Event Date: 
Sun, 2016/11/13 - 6:00am - Fri, 2016/11/18 - 6:00am

OpenSHMEM @ SC16

OpenSHMEM Committee Procedures Document

Formalization of the committee procedures.

OpenSHMEM 2016: Third Workshop on OpenSHMEM and Related Technologies. "Enhancing OpenSHMEM for Hybrid Environments"

The Hotel at Arundel Preserve, Hanover, Maryland

Aug 2 - 4, 2016

OpenSHMEM 2016

OpenSHMEM 1.3 Specification Available

The 1.3 specification of OpenSHMEM can be downloaded from here.

Sandia OpenSHMEM beta release with full support for OpenSHMEM 1.3.

Code is available here

Build instructions.

SuperComputing 2015

Event Date: 
Sat, 2015/11/14 - 6:00am - Fri, 2015/11/20 - 6:00am

SC15 in Austin

OpenSHMEM Birds of a Feather at SC15

OpenSHMEM: User Experience, Tool Ecosystem, Version 1.2 and Beyond

SESSION: OpenSHMEM: User Experience, Tool Ecosystem, Version 1.2 and Beyond

EVENT TYPE: Birds of a Feather

EVENT TAG(S): Programming Systems

TIME: 12:15PM - 1:15PM

SESSION LEADER(S):Stephen Poole, Manjunath Gorentla Venkata, Pavel Shamis



This has been a productive year for the OpenSHMEM community with the release of OpenSHMEM 1.2 and OpenSHMEM 1.3 (expected to be released at SC15), and much of this progress resulted from discussions at the SC14 OpenSHMEM BoF. Besides specification development, the OpenSHMEM ecosystem has expanded further this year with new implementations and tools. In addition to presenting these updates, the objectives of this BoF are to gather from the audience priorities for evolving the OpenSHMEM specification and to explore ideas for improving OpenSHMEM programmer productivity.

Intel(R) Scalable Integer Sort Application open-sourced

Intel® have open-sourced their Scalable Integer Sort Application on Github.

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