OpenSHMEM Analyzer Tool 1.0
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2014/07/09 - 9:15pmWe are pleased to announce the release of the OpenSHMEM Analyzer 1.0, an OpenUH compiler based tool for analysis of OpenSHMEM programs. The tool allows for static analysis of OpenSHMEM calls to provide both syntactic and semantic checks for OpenSHMEM programs.
To download the tool, visit
This version will help application developers quickly catch and rectify errors associated with incorrect use of the OpenSHMEM API. For more information about the tool, please refer to its user guide, available at the location above.
If you encounter any issues or have ideas for the tool, please report them via
We hope to build on this platform and include many more useful analyses in future versions.
Initial Release of OpenSHMEM version of NAS Parallel Benchmarks
Submitted by admin on Tue, 2014/06/24 - 3:15pmYou can download the release from
More benchmarks, as well as optimized code for performance, will
be made available in future releases.
OpenSHMEM Specification 1.1 Update including Changebars view
Submitted by admin on Thu, 2014/05/01 - 2:22amThe latest draft specification 1.1 is available here including a changebar document.
OpenSHMEM Workshop: Proceedings from Springer Verlag
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2014/03/26 - 7:09pmThe published proceedings of the OpenSHMEM 2014 Workshop in Annapolis, MD are available from Springer Verlag
OpenSHMEM 1.2 onwards Extensions Proposal Template
Submitted by admin on Tue, 2014/03/04 - 2:28pmHere is the template for proposing extensions of future (1.2 onwards) versions of OpenSHMEM.
OpenSHMEM Reference Library Version 1.0f Available
Submitted by admin on Sat, 2014/03/01 - 12:36amThe latest 1.0 reference implementation is available for download.
You can get it here.
OpenSHMEM Specification 1.1 Available For Comments
Submitted by admin on Sat, 2014/03/01 - 12:34amA new version of the OpenSMHEM specification is available for download. Version 1.1 addresses issues in, and offers clarifications for, OpenSMHEM specification 1.0.
You can download it here.
OpenSHMEM Workshop
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2014/02/26 - 3:19amThe OpenSHMEM workshop will be in Annapolis, MD
UCCS: Universal Common Communication Substrate
Submitted by admin on Thu, 2013/11/21 - 10:56pmUCCS: Universal Common Communication Substrate is a low-level communication substrate that exposes high-performance communication primitives, while providing network interoperability. It is intended to support multiple upper layer protocols (ULPs) or programming models including SHMEM, UPC, Titanium, Co-Array Fortran, Global Arrays, MPI, GASNet, and File I/O.
SC13 OpenSHMEM Birds of a Feather (BOF)
Submitted by admin on Tue, 2013/11/19 - 3:31pmThe BOF took place in rooms 201/203 on Wednesday November 20 2013 from 5:30 - 7:00pm. The agenda:
- Update on Programming Environment for OpenSHMEM
- Roadmap for OpenSHMEM, plans for 1.1, 1.5 and 2.0
- Building a community for OpenSHMEM
- Ticket systems for 1.1 specification
- OpenSHMEM reference implementation / Integration with UCCS
- Supporting Technologies / Tools update each: (1-2) slides
- The OpenSHMEM Analyzer
- Allinea
- Vampir/Vampir Trace
- Power Analysis with VampirTrace
- The OpenSHMEM Workshop announcement